This blogs is an academic exercise part of the Organization and Cultures course at The International Business Department at Universidad EAFIT

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011


MNC’S enterprises operating in many different countries but with one central in which everything is manage. They have a lot of political and economical power, this is why they can often be criticize. They often look for increasing their profits. When they enter a new country they analyze how to increase their profits.


This is the process in which people encourage them self to sustain a goal. This have external and internal factors that motivate people to be interested in achieving a goal.

 Is economic retribution enough to motivate employees?

I think economic retribution is not enough to motivate employees. People often work hard to achieve a goal that not always end up in a money reward. They look for their superiors satisfaction of knowing they where able to teach them the correct ideas to the correct person.


Attitude: Is compose of many factors. Emotions, beliefs ect. It infuelce us to make choises, respond or take iniative in many situations.

Values: Are beliefs of what is wrong and what is right.

How can values be a source of conflict in multicultural context?
Values are never the same for everyone. Some times the values of one person are the contrary of the values of another. Their are many values that are the same and that the society have in charged of making them for everyone. Values can get to a conflict when the way I act goes against your values, but i still think your values are the ones wrong. This can start a conflict.


  • Personality: There are many factors that make up the personality. Some often are physical environments, heredity, culture, and particularly experiences
  • Perception: Is the way we see the world by gathering information with our 5 senses. And there is also social perception that is how we see another person.
  • Attribution: We often try to have two kinds of attribution. The one we accuse the other person and the one we called self security.


Why is important for managers and employees to be able to understand different types of personalities?
This is very important because if you as a manager can get to understand different personalities you can be able to choose where in the structure of a company to put which one of the personalities you have known.


Each person has different indentities with the ones they identify:
  • Cultural Identity: Is where In the geographic place we are from and cultural expansions. Usually is influenced with political differentiation of gender, sex, class, religions, race, ethnicity ect.
  • National Identity: Helps construct and maintain the cultural construction by different regulatory institutions such as law, education system, and the media discourse.
  • Corporate Culture: All the things as norms, values, ect. That people collect over time in an organization. Some aspects may be symbols, language, slogans ect.
embracing of foreign cultures Post Colonial Africa’s Middle Class: Embracing Foreign Culture


I think companies create their own corporate culture in order to maintain their essences. Many times this culture starts to interfere with the birth culture this people have and the corporate culture starts to get into their life's as if it was their only or most important culture.


 Organizational behavior studies how individuals, groups, and structures impact on the behaviors of the organizations. The goal of this study is to improve effectiveness on the organization. An organization can be private or public, formal or informal, religious, military, political or scientific. The organizational behavior aim to understand and predict the human behavior in the organizational environment. This organization gets to interpret people and organization as a hole social system.